Cultivating Knowledge in Mommy's Garden

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Releasing the Butterflies and Garden Update

We finally released the butterflies.  It was fun to see them fly away!

For a garden update, we aren't harvesting any vegetables yet, but our herbs are doing great.  It's still early here for harvesting yet.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

May 2012

We’ve been keeping busy in the garden and yard this year.  The weather was nice for part of May, and then has turned rainy and cold here at the end.  The garden is doing really well, but too much rain could be a bad thing for the dahlias.  The girls are so excited for the perennial bed that is by their playhouse.  To go with our unit on butterflies, we’ve added plants that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds.  We can’t wait for warmer weather!
The perennial bed is looking nice!
The vegetables are finally planted and enjoying their new location.  Tomatoes, green peppers, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, potatoes, and garlic.  And the herbs are filling in quite nice as well.
I hope the weather turns soon, the greenhouse is getting FULL!
It doesn’t help the greenhouse situation when I keep finding perennials on clearance… this haul plus three more azaleas for $35at Walmart and Costco.
The pots are looking nice, and the dogwood is finally blooming.
Pretty girls helping to plant the dahlias.
Front and back gardens planted with dahlias and all the other random plants.